Steel Grip M-1000 CMT-30 Hydraulic Cement
     Steel Grip M-1000 CMT is a state of the art hydraulic cement compound. This cement is blended with sand and/or gravel and mixed with water, creating a hydraulic concrete compound. Steel Grip M-1000 CMT-30 hydraulic cement concrete is used when cure times of 35 minutes to one hour are required in a concrete. The CMT-30 is a non-shrinking hydraulic cement compound. The CMT-30 cement compound is mixed as follows: one part cement compound with one part sand with one part gravel and blended with water to create a concrete water compound. The CMT-30 is generally mixed on the dry side. The CMT-30 mixture can be blended with M-1000 and water using a ratio of three parts water to one part M-1000 concentrate. By adding M-1000, you achieve extra adhesive qualities and flexibility. The CMT-30 non-shrinking quick set qualities make it ideal for certain types of patch work. The CMT-30 cement compounds and concrete formulations are compatible with M-1000 slurry coats and slurry paints that are mixed with conventional Portland cement. CMT-30, because of its quick set properties, is often used as a repair cement compound prior to the use of Steel Grip M-1000 slurry coat or texture coat applications. When no gravel is used in the CMT-30 cement mix, the mixing ratio is one part sand to one part CMT-30 mixed with a premixed liquid of three parts water and one part M-1000. When gravel is used, depending on thickness, either pea gravel or various larger gravels can be mixed 50:50 with fine or coarse sand and then mixed with the CMT-30 cement compound. The ratio is one part cement to one part gravel to one part sand mixed with a blend of M-1000 and water mixed three parts water to one part M-1000 concentrate. (For additional mixing information and test information see the Steel Grip M-1000 CMT-30 compound specifications.)

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