Adhesive Extender
     Adhesive Extender is a proprietary blend of Silicates, Carbonates, Phosphates, and Oxygenates in the blend of Calcium and powdered hard resins, Adhesive Extender is a Steel Grip M-1000 trade secret compound blend in a fine powder consistency. Adhesive Extender is a powder that is designed to be blended with epoxy resin or Steel Grip M-1000 liquid polymer. Adhesive Extender when mixed with M-1000 Polymer and blended with sand and cement increases the adhesive strength of the cement compound, as well as giving the wet cement compound the ability to hold texture and pattern. The use of Adhesive Extender in cement mixtures increases the overall toughness, flexibility, and greatly increases the adhesive strength of the cement. When wet cement slurry or compound is rolled or broom or brush textured, the presence of Adhesive Extender in the blend makes it possible to hold texture end pattern until the initial cure sets in. When Adhesive Extender is used in dry mixes of M-1000 cement and sand for the purpose of curb or vertical wall repair, the presence of Adhesive Extender makes it possible to spread the cement compound without it collapsing or falling prior to the setting or hard curing of this concrete mix. Adhesive Extender can also effectively be used as a thickening agent for Steel Grip Epoxy Resins, Plex Resins, and most Steel Grip M-1000 liquid coating resins.

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